
Frequently Asked Questions

Where is bioLAB Located?

BioLAB has two branches, one in AlReaya Medical Gate Center at Salmaniya, and the other is in Budayia Medical Center at Muqsha.

I live outside Bahrain, can I still benefit from the laboratory services?

Yes ,you can visit the e-store to order your test to any GCC country.

What type of consultations do you offer.

We offer Genetic consultations and Genetic infertility consultations as well as lifestyle consultations.

How long do the test take to get results?

The Turn Around Time varies depending on the requested test. Some test take 1-2 days while other tests may take 1-2 months.

Do I need to be fasting for the collection of the DNA food intolerance test sample?

No, this test does not require fasting.

When can I do the NIPT test?

This test can be performed as early as 10 weeks into pregnancy.

How accurate are the DNA Tests?

They are 99.8% accurate.

How can I receive my results?

Your Results will be sent to you via WhatsApp and email.

What is the maximum and minimum age for testing DNA?

From the first day of birth.

Do you do any other Genetic Services?

Yes, we do all other general laboratory Tests.

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